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A mostrar mensagens de fevereiro, 2015

tabacaria elegante

fantasias carnavalescas

MIRANDA, Catarina - Fantasias Carnavalescas. Correio do Minho, n.º 9558 (21 fev. 2015), p. 30. MIRANDA, Catarina - Fantasias Carnavalescas. Correio do Minho, n.º 9558 (21 fev. 2015), p. 30. MIRANDA, Catarina - Fantasias Carnavalescas. Correio do Minho, n.º 9558 (21 fev. 2015), p. 30.

questões de foot-ball 3

MIRANDA, Catarina -  Questões de Foot-Ball 3.  Correio do Minho, n.º  9551 (14 fev. 2015), p. 30. MIRANDA, Catarina - Questões de Foot-Ball 3. Correio do Minho, n.º 9551 (14 fev. 2015), p. 30. MIRANDA, Catarina -  Questões de Foot-Ball 3.  Correio do Minho, n.º  9551 (14 fev. 2015), p. 30.

photographic sovereignty

©  H. J. Tsinhnahjinnie © Hulleah Tsinhnahjinnie "Visual reappropriation and reengagement is, in many ways, about finding a present for historical photographs, realizing their "potential to seed a number of narratives" (Poignant) through with to make sense of that past and make it fulfils the needs of the present". on " photographic sovereignty ", EDWARDS, Elizabeth – Tracing Photography in Made to be Seen: Perspectives on the History of Visual Anthropology. Creating new images to remember.  Based on historical images from e-bay and family archives, the sitters in these photographs are transported through time, space and the color spectrum to face the viewer. •  Portraits Against Amnesia, 2003 •

questões de foot-ball 2