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A mostrar mensagens de janeiro 14, 2015

The Photographer's Eye, 1

capa do livro " The Photographer's Eye", de John Szarkowski. Moma, 1966, 1980, 2007. Baseado numa exposição de 1964, The Photographer's Eye foi publicado em gravura em 1966 e reimpresso em 1980 e 2007. J. Nevins publicou o conteúdo textual do catálogo publicado pelo Museu de Arte Moderna de Nova Iorque , que transcrevemos aqui. [6] introduction "This book is an investigation of what photographs look like, and of why they look that way. It is concerned with photographic style and with photographic tradition: with the sense of possibilities that a photographer today takes to his work. The invention of photography provided a radically new picture-making process—a process based not on synthesis but on selection. The difference was a basic one. Paintings were made —constructed from a storehouse of traditional schemes and skills and attitudes—but photographs, as the man on the street put it, were taken . The difference raise...